Posts tagged Plastic waste management
How can you help reduce plastic waste?

The production of plastic contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. If plastic production and use grow as currently planned, by 2050, plastic-related emissions could reach 56 gigatons of carbon dioxide - 10-13% of the entire remaining carbon budget. Most plastics are derived from fossil fuels, with the petrochemical industry planning to invest $400 billion in additional plastic production capacity over the next five years, further exacerbating climate change.

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We built houses made out of plastic waste

The “Namma Mane” Project is a dual-intervention initiative that combines environmental sustainability with social impact. This innovative method employed by us involves recycling MLP into housing panels, which serve as a sustainable replacement for cement. This not only diverts plastic waste from landfills and oceans but also provides affordable and durable housing solutions for those in need.

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