Posts tagged plastic
Reimagining Fashion Packaging: Why Brands Need Strategic Thinking and Sustainable Decisions

Let’s talk about something a little more sustainable. We all love our fashion products, but it’s time to think about how they’re made and where they end up. In the ever-evolving fashion industry, packaging plays a crucial role in shaping a brand’s environmental and economic impact. For brands committed to sustainability, making informed, strategic decisions about packaging is not just a trend—it’s a necessity.

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Plastic Waste Management: A Global Framework for Addressing a Growing Environmental Challenge

The Plastic Waste Management Framework underscores the need for a multifaceted approach to combat plastic waste. Countries must adopt contextually tailored strategies that consider their specific national circumstances, infrastructure capacities, and resources. The framework’s emphasis on integrating waste pickers, enforcing EPR, and utilising tools like DRS provides a roadmap for improving plastic waste management systems globally.

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How can you help reduce plastic waste?

The production of plastic contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. If plastic production and use grow as currently planned, by 2050, plastic-related emissions could reach 56 gigatons of carbon dioxide - 10-13% of the entire remaining carbon budget. Most plastics are derived from fossil fuels, with the petrochemical industry planning to invest $400 billion in additional plastic production capacity over the next five years, further exacerbating climate change.

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