Posts tagged epr
Tackling Plastic Emissions: How a Global Inventory is Driving Change

Plastic pollution is often seen as a global issue—and it is. But according to the “A local-to-global emissions inventory of macroplastic pollution” article, the study shows us something even more critical: it’s also a very local issue. The new inventory doesn’t just highlight the global scope of plastic emissions; it zooms in on specific hotspots where plastic waste is being mismanaged. From crowded urban centres to remote rural areas, the data reveals where waste is leaking out of the system and ending up in our environment.

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Reimagining Fashion Packaging: Why Brands Need Strategic Thinking and Sustainable Decisions

Let’s talk about something a little more sustainable. We all love our fashion products, but it’s time to think about how they’re made and where they end up. In the ever-evolving fashion industry, packaging plays a crucial role in shaping a brand’s environmental and economic impact. For brands committed to sustainability, making informed, strategic decisions about packaging is not just a trend—it’s a necessity.

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Plastic Waste Management: A Global Framework for Addressing a Growing Environmental Challenge

The Plastic Waste Management Framework underscores the need for a multifaceted approach to combat plastic waste. Countries must adopt contextually tailored strategies that consider their specific national circumstances, infrastructure capacities, and resources. The framework’s emphasis on integrating waste pickers, enforcing EPR, and utilising tools like DRS provides a roadmap for improving plastic waste management systems globally.

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