Posts tagged plasticsforchange
Can Plastic Waste Be Disposed of by Burning?

In our desperate search for solutions to the global plastic waste crisis, a dangerous idea has gained traction: burning plastic as a disposal method. This seemingly simple solution masks a multitude of severe consequences that threaten not only our immediate health but the very future of our planet. As we stand at the crossroads of environmental charge and convenience, it's crucial to understand why incinerating plastic is not just ill-advised—it's a potential catastrophe waiting to unfold.

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The Future of Plastic Waste Management: Opportunities and Challenges

Plastic waste is a big part of the household trash problem, making up about 11% of everything we throw away. That’s a whopping 250 million tons of plastic waste from homes each year, with another 110 million tons coming from factories. We clearly need to find better ways to manage this waste. Plastic has been amazing for consumer goods and packaging, but it takes forever to break down and those tiny microplastics are showing up everywhere – not good news for the environment.

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Can the Fashion Industry Break Free from Plastic Addiction?

Going green can’t be a side hustle for fashion anymore. It needs to be at the very core of who they are and what they do. Achieving the goal of reducing environmental impact will require all retailers to think creatively and look for solutions across the value chain, including how products are displayed in stores.

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